Santa Catarina’s STI policy within the scope of federal innovation regulation: historical analysis and proposals for improvements| Reginaldo Pereira, Andréa de

Santa Catarina's STI policy within the scope of federal innovation regulation: historical analysis and proposals for improvements

Ano da edição: 2023
Reginaldo Pereira, Andréa de Almeida Leite Marocco and Jaqueline Kelli
ISBN: 978-85-7897-348-3
Páginas: 174

It all started twenty-five years ago. When Fapesc emerged, the 2000s were nothing but an unclear future that
inspired fear with all of the turn of the millennium symbology. The state’s technology ecosystem was still
incipient, development notices for this purpose from specific agencies were non-existent, and innovation
was a common word only in academic circles. It was a long, winding road to get to where we are now.
We recovered every aspect regarding contributions that the ecosystem received from other departments,
such as the Acafe System, Sebrae, the Certi Foundation, Facisc, Fiesc and business organizations. And how
the ecosystem also went in the opposite direction, making a direct impact on the daily lives of universities,
institutes and public agencies, as well as on the industry of Santa Catarina. This book also shows how the
ecosystem made national and international connections, how we evolved with the passing years, and how
this led to the Pact for Innovation, to Intellectual Property assets and to the consolidation of the state of
Santa Catarina as a reference in STI.